
'Take the First Step to Blogging' Expression is something that everybody loves. Sometimes thoughts may not be given a second thought, leave alone a second thought, they might not even be heard! Don't worry; now that you are in the right place, write/blog on whatever you want to, on any topic under the sky that are clean and honest.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Getting Noticed by Google and Yahoo Search Engines

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Google and Yahoo Search Engines

You could pay a fortune for the boys who claim to 'get you on google in days' or 'raise your ranking in Yahoo' and all that stuff. The long and short of it is it costs you, hard moolah.However, if you take advantage of the Google and Yahoo 'personalise your space' features, just add your url or blog feed in the 'add content' sections. Guess whose pages they index first when they send out those busy little spiders? Why, their very own, of course! It won't guarantee a million visitors but it will mean your pages are there for the viewing.Just make sure the meta tag and seo information is up to date and it should do you some favours.

How to do it?

When you go to the Google homepage you will see a link in the top right corner called Personalised Home. Click on that and it goes to a page with an invitation to Personalise your homepage. Don't have a Google Account? You'll be invited to create one. (You use you gmail settings to sign in if you have that service) When it's done, go to the personal page and you will be invited to 'add content' Put your personal web addresses here and your blogs and your rss feeds if you have them. With Yahoo, it's similar. When you go to their homepage you'll see a 'My Yahoo' link. Put some basics on the page to get it going and then use the add content as above.

And the results?

Well, check this out! The title of one of my recent posts at Writing Up was Get noticed Quicker by Google and Yahoo.If you type that, or most of it into a Google search box, guess what comes out NUMERO UNO? This may be the first time I've ever hit a number one place on Google for anything! Oh, the dizzy heights - I'm coming over all unneccessary... My article on social tagging came up more modestly at Number 31 but that's not to be sneezed at, and my other blogs from Audley Music and Blogger come out high when I type in the names of the bands I look after. That's what I call a result.

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Beginning Blogger Terminology

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Blog or Weblog

Blog is a condensed form of Web log. A blog is a series of entries formatted in a single column of text in reverse chronological order (i.e. most recent content at the top) where readers can link to individual articles. Most blogs contain a sidebar that contains links to entries or other blogs, and the content is frequently updated.


A person who owns or writes for a Weblog.


A person who leaves remarks or a comment regarding an entry in a blog.


A link to a specific article in the archives of a blog, which will remain valid after the article is no longer listed on the blog's front page. Or, a link in a blogroll.


A small automated packet of data that is sent to another site to actuate some expected function,such as a Trackback. PING is an acronym for Packet INternet Grouper.


RSS is a Web content syndication format. RSS is an acronym for RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary. You can subscribe to Web sites using RSS, such as news sites and blogs, and add the subscription to your blog. Content, or posts, from the Web site you subscribe to display on your Web site. Subscription content is updated in real-time, that is, when the author submits an updated post, your Web page reflects the update.


One or more columns along one or both sides of a blogs main page, usually used for links,contact information etc.


Spam is unsolicited online messages generally commercial in nature. Spam is usually delivered as email however, spam may also occur in the comments on a blog. Comment spam is when someone posts off-topic commercial remarks with links in a blog's comment section.


A trackback sends a ping to another trackback-aware Web site (usually another blog) to notify that site that a link to has been created, usually within an entry being posted. The trackback ping notifies the subject of an entry that they are mentioned in another blog.

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Language Translator

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Language Translator Makes Easy

Blogs are read by many people all over the world. No doubt English can be understood by many readers, adding a language translator make it easy for non-english readers. Today, I just added a language translator to my blog.

Where to Get Language Translator Script

I got it from Babelfish. Just go to the babelfish website and follow the instruction, copy the script provided and paste it on the appropriate space that is appealing to your blog.

How to Use the Babelfish Language Translator

It is as easy as ABC. User just need to click on the country flag and it will open a page where the translation took place.

Language Translator for non-english readers

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Friday, December 01, 2006


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What is Pinging

Pinging is a process which lets other web sites know that your blog or website has been updated. This is important for a blog builder. The action often leads to an increased amount of traffic as your blog is listed on various recently updated lists. You can manually ping individual web sites or use a one click process to ping many different sites. Such sites include and By entering your sites information on either of these sites you can instantly ping many different blog directories. You only need to ping when you add a new post or edit your site. The ping should result in a large influx of traffic. I will try my best to do the pinging whenever there is an update of my blog. To ping, just go to the above web address and follow the directions. You will generally have to enter the title of your site, the sites URL, the URL of your feed, and select the sites you want to ping. My philosophy: the more the merrier. Once all of your information is entered just click ping and your work is done.

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