Blog Traffic
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Blog Traffic, new tool to bring more traffic to your blog.
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'Take the First Step to Blogging' Expression is something that everybody loves. Sometimes thoughts may not be given a second thought, leave alone a second thought, they might not even be heard! Don't worry; now that you are in the right place, write/blog on whatever you want to, on any topic under the sky that are clean and honest.
I Want to Subscribe Journey to Blogging, Now
Labels: blog traffic
I Want to Subscribe Journey to Blogging, Now
'With the increasing use of socio-tools like facebook and the likes of it, we can adopt this approach to improve the work flow of the company...I was wondering, a company can develop a intranet based social sharing website. Especially for a large company, it may bring about certain benefits. (Moreover, with this application, if successful, the company can also sell it, as a product to other companies thereby creating more revenue or as a means of covering development expenses.)'
'Hold contest to encourage and promote Business Blogs. Officer entering must be authorised to put up info and activities of the company .The most suitable people will be the Public Relation Officers and their assistants. They can put recent events and highlights of their organistions with data, photos.'
'Previously I linked to TechCrunch's introduction to a number of platforms where an individual or group can set up their own social networks. Here's a comparison matrix by the same group of people - >
'What is so attractive about IM and blogs? Both are cost-beneficial, promote social interaction, hones the written skills and reach out to a large number of people in the shortest time possible. .... the most common form of interaction between superiors and subordinates have been email 9-to-5.Of course, the danger lurks in delayed response and a tact-less written replies...that can appear cold, harsh hence IM comes in with emot-icons ... IM also allows one to view if the concerned party is available online, offline, away, busy or out for lunch ... cheaper than telephone calls and less intrusive with authorised control...In fact, ...working as a Copywriter facing the computer screen for more than half a day... I appreciate IM's convenience to reach fellow colleagues... a click away and relaying information and the churned out copy to them in seconds.'
'I think in organizations:Blogs: A good tool for storing things that needs daily/weekly process noted.Wikis: A brain for everybody to put their studies together, so no repeat needed.Instant messages: Now people are like on the computer most of the time, just putting an Instant message will be much easier than putting up a phone.Sorry to say, in the future, if a person does not wish to learn to use the computer will be equals to a person now who do not know how to turn on TV.'
SEND in observations and suggestions on how to use blogs, wikis, instant messaging and other social computing tools at work. Go to, remember to give us your name, and start blogging.
bloLabels: backup blog, blogger, social computing, wiki